Cheese and What? Party

Cheese is good for you. This will be the 20th official DebConf Cheese party. The 0th party was improvised in Helsinki during DebConf 5, in the so-called “French” room. It then found its way into the official timetable at DebConf 6, in Mexico, and has been a DebConf tradition ever since.

The concept is very simple: bring tasty things from your country, preferably edible. Grapes and lactose are both optional: we like cheese, but we love the surprising things that people bring from all around the world. Even if you do not bring anything, feel free to participate: our priorities are our users and free cheese.

Some bits from previous editions:


July 29th, 2024


Conference Hall II, Mirae Bldg


Can I participate in the party (i.e., eat and drink) if I haven’t brought anything?

I couldn’t bring anything from home but would like to participate. Is there a way to do so?

I brought XXX and do not know where to store it!

I forgot what I brought!

Is there anything special I should do when bringing my C&W submissions?

Vegans do not eat cheese. Can they still attend?

Register your submissions

Please register your cheese submissions on the wiki.

South Korea customs regulations

Cheese should be declared during customs clearance upon arrival.

Cheese must be pasteurized. Up to 5kg allowed. It should satisfy:

With tax-exemption, you can bring liquor up to 1L and up to 400 USD in value. Additional quantities can be brought with customs declaration, subject to customs duty payment.

For details on customs regulations:

Would you like to help us?

Sign up to volunteer.

We will need volunteers to receive and store cheese donations from attendees, during DebCamp and DebConf.

And on the day of the party, we will need a team to prepare venue and cheese, and clean up afterwards.