Code of Conduct

DebConf is committed to a safe environment for all participants. All attendees are expected to treat all people and facilities with respect and help create a welcoming environment. All participants at DebConf must follow both the DebConf Code of Conduct and the Debian Code of Conduct.

If you notice behaviour that fails to meet this standard, please speak up and help to keep DebConf as respectful as we expect it to be. If you are harassed and requests to stop are not successful, or notice a disrespectful environment, the organizers want to help.

You can contact the community team at

We will treat your request with dignity and confidentiality, investigate, and take whatever actions appropriate. We can provide information on security, emergency services, transportation, alternative accommodations, or whatever else may be necessary.

Your security and well-being is our priority, if our intervention is not successful, DebConf reserves the right to to take action against those who do not cease unacceptable behaviour.

To Report An Incident

Code of Conduct enforcement and incident response for DebConf 24 will be handled by members of the Community Team in conjunction with members of the DebConf 24 orga team. If you witness a violation of the Code of Conduct (either towards yourself or someone else), witness other harassment, or are generally made uncomfortable by a situation and want to talk to someone about it, do not hesitate to reach out to the Community Team. You can email the whole team at Alternatively, you can reach individual team members over email or IRC:

When contacting individual team members, please specify if it is okay for them to share exact or summarized content with the rest of the Community Team.

We will do our best to be available at all times, however, due to time zone differences it may take several hours for a response.

What Counts As An Incident?

Anything that someone feels is in violation of the DebConf Code of Conduct is an incident. Incidents also include:

What Counts as DebConf?

This is a tricky question. Do things people say on Twitter count as DebConf? What if someone makes a blog post during the conference? When in doubt, reach out to us anyway and let’s talk.