About DebConf

DebConf is the annual conference for Debian contributors and users interested in improving Debian. Previous Debian conferences have featured speakers and attendees from all around the world. The last DebConf, DebConf23, took place in Kochi, India and was attended by 328 participants from over 40 countries.

DebConf24 is taking place in Busan, South Korea from July 28 to August 04, 2024.

It is being preceded by DebCamp, from July 21 to July 27, 2024.

Register to the debconf-announce mailing list


Pukyong National University is a national university with the largest engineering college in Republic of Korea located in the heart of urban Busan. The area of 36 hectares offers a networking atmosphere which builds on collaboration and shared resources. The venue offers several conference halls and classrooms for plenaries, presentations, discussions, and informal workshops. Accommodation for participants is available in the student’s dormitory in the venue.

Codes of Conduct and Community Team

Please see the Code of Conduct page for more information.

We look forward to seeing you in Busan!