DebConf bursary team BoF

Speakers: Stefano Rivera & Utkarsh Gupta & DLange

Track: Community, diversity, local outreach and social context

Type: Workshop (2h)

Room: Hyorim

Time: Jul 29 (Mon): 10:00

Duration: 1:25

The first 30 min are meant to be the annual retrospective and discuss the good, the bad, and anything in between regarding bursaries for DebConf24.

There has been a substantial discussion between the bursary team, the Debian treasurers and the DPL regarding the priorities for bursary grants and the distribution between team budgets, the general pool, the outreach pool and grants for invited speakers. We want to use the remainder of the session to go through the options and build a rough consensus on the process for 2025 bursaries.