Getting started with designing tshirts, and some thoughts on inclusive body sizes

Speakers: Ruchika & Purnika

Track: Introduction to Free Software & Debian

Type: Other

Tshirts are an important and memorable merchandise for Debconf (and other conferences as well). Our workshop will focus on teaching attendees how to super impose a design on a blank tshirt using open-source software GIMP. This skill will be helpful to design cloth merchandise for conferences.

Regarding GIMP, we will cover basic features first and subsequently, a full process to overlay a design on a blank tshirt. Post that, we will share few ideas for advance customization. So, this workshop is perfect for beginners who have never used GIMP, and are thinking of getting started with designing merchandise for open-source conferences.

In addition, we will also be discussing few considerations for designing cloths like: bigger busts, regular vs slim fits, colors and dyes, thread counts etc. This is to include our varied and diverse body sizes and community as a whole! :)

Prerequisites: laptop with GIMP installed. if not, can help to install gimp on site as well.