Is there a role for Debian in the post-open source era?

Speaker: Masayuki Hatta

Track: Community, diversity, local outreach and social context

Type: BoF (45 minutes)

Room: Pado

Time: Aug 03 (Sat): 11:00

Duration: 0:45

Session content

Until recently, GNU/Linux distros such as Debian were at the heart of the open source ecosystem, sometimes in a position to make and enforce rules in the form of license assessments and guidelines. However, as the relative importance of source code has declined as SaaS has become more common, data has become more important for applications such as AI, installation directly from repositories rather than from package archives has become more common in recent years, and the OS itself has become more container-usable, Distro-based software distribution is gradually losing its relevance. Under these circumstances, we would like to have a frank discussion with the participants on what significance distros can have in the future.

Potential audience

Old & new Debian maintainers and Debian users in general.

Expected output

Understanding the current situation surrounding Debian and future prospects.