Debian: Resistance is Futile

Speaker: Joenio Marques da Costa

Track: Introduction to Free Software & Debian

Type: Short talk (20 minutes)

Room: Somin

Time: Jul 30 (Tue): 10:00

Duration: 0:20

In this talk, you’ll see a short introduction about Live Coding, and a live art performance with sounds and visuals being generated in real time by live programming using the dublang tool.

dublang is a multi-language live coding system with support for multiple programming languages in a single and integrated live coding session.

Live coding is a new direction in electronic music and video, live codind artists/programmers expose and rewire the innards of software while it generates improvised music, sound and/or visuals.

The topics covered on this talk/performance are:

  • Overview about what is Live Coding, how to start on it, and what are the tools available on Debian for Live Coding
  • A live demonstration using the dublang tool will be presented, and the talk will switch from a traditional talk format to a more art performance presentation
  • The sounds generated during the live performance will be mainly generated by SuperCollider and Tidal Cycles
  • The visuals will be generated by the media player combined with effects from the OBS Studio tool
  • Important to say that this talk is more focused on art performance using Live Coding then a traditional talk, but it will include in the first moment a traditional presentation with a global overview about what is Live Coding, and the tools available on Debian

This talk will be similar to the talks below from previous DebConfs: