Poetry Attack 01

Speakers: Mari Moura & Joenio Marques da Costa

Track: Community, diversity, local outreach and social context

Type: Short talk (20 minutes)

Room: CEO

Time: Jul 29 (Mon): 18:00

Duration: 4:00

Note: This session is not scheduled by itself in the CEO room. It will be held at the Cheese and Wine party, in its same space.

This is not a regular talk, it is a live art performance.

How many women are here? How many black people are here? How many black women are here?

In this performance, the artists Mari Moura and Joenio M. Costa criticises the absence of women, black people, and black women at the Debian community. The absence of women, black people and black women is part of a systemic racist system that promotes exclusion. The performance act is a call to reflect on the roles and opportunities to change it.

The performance is composed by sound art, performance art, synthesizers, sound samples and live coding using free software tools and Debian, like Sonic Pi, TidalCycles, Super Collider, Le Biniou, PureData, dublang, OBS and other tools, including not only live coding tools but any tool available via textual command line interfaces.

Live coding is a new direction in electronic music and video, live codind artists/programmers expose and rewire the innards of software while it generates improvised music, sound and/or visuals.

Exhibitions. This art performance was presented in the past on the events below.

Full details about the previous exhibitions can be found on the link below: