Debian Teams exchange

Speaker: Andreas Tille

Track: Community, diversity, local outreach and social context

Type: BoF (45 minutes)

Room: Pado

Time: Jul 30 (Tue): 10:00

Duration: 0:40

This BoF is an attempt to gather as much as possible teams inside Debian to exchange experiences, discuss workflows inside teams, share their ways to attract newcomers etc.

Each participant team should prepare a short description of their work and what team roles (“openings”) they have for new contributors. Even for delegated teams (membership is less fluid), it would be good to present the team, explain what it takes to be a team member, and what steps people usually go to end up being invited to participate. Some other teams can easily absorb contributions from salsa MRs, and at some point people get commit access. Anyway, the point is that we work on the idea that the pathway to become a team member becomes more clear from an outsider point-of-view.