Carlos Henrique Lima Melara
I am a Debian contributor since 2020 and a Debian Maintainer (DM) since 2023. I have been contributing in many areas of Debian such as package maintenance, translation with l10n-portuguese team, spreading Debian around Brazil, reporting bugs, etc.
I am an undergraduate student at University of São Paulo, currently pursuing a BEng in Computer Engineering. I am also a software engineer at Toradex, an embedded systems company.
Accepted Talks:
Debian Brasil BoF
A meeting for Brazilian contributors to make plans for the next year regarding Debian in our country. Discuss what we have done since Debconf 23, assess our successes and where we can improve. As a bonus topic, we will select the city where next year’s MiniDebConf will take place.
This BoF will be held in Portuguese.
l10n and i18n BoF
Internationalization and Localization are essential parts of an operating system that aims to be universal. This is a kick-off meeting for members of i18n and l10n teams across the globe to come together and discuss how can colaborate and improve Debian in all languages.
Attracting and retaining new contributors: insights from Brazil
Attracting and retaining new contributors for the Debian project is no easy task. One must learn a handful of new tools, deal with mailing lists, irc, salsa, communicate mainly in a foreign language, and all this just to be able to start contributing to some part of the project. In Brazil, we have developed some process and techniques to ease the introduction of newcomers to the project and lower the barrier for contributions. We would like to share some of our experience introducing people to packaging via Debian Brasília community and to localization via l10n-portuguese team.
Debian@Toradex - or how we use Debian containers in an embedded system
Developing applications for embedded systems is no easy task. One must know how to use very specific toolchains and tools like Buildroot or Yocto, how cross-compilation works, how the inner-workings of embedded systems operates, etc. What if I told you there is a much simpler way of doing things using Debian containers?
Let’s go over how this is possible and how Debian is a key ingredient for it at Toradex. Also let’s see how Toradex can help to improve Debian altogether.
GPG Workshop for Newcomers
We use asymmetric cryptography on a daily basis for Debian work. We use it to establish trust, sign emails/packages/commits, send encrypted e-mails, etc. To do all that, one needs a PGP key and it might not be the easiest thing to learn for newcomers. This workshop will start by giving a quick introduction on cryptography, especially asymmetric cryptography. Then we will create a PGP key together and execute some common tasks like encryption/decryption of files, signing content and mailing encrypted emails.
After creating the key, we will upload to public keyservers so all of you will be able to join our Continuous Keysigning Party.