Andre Correa

Accepted Talks:

Bits from Brazil

A brief report about what Debian community has done in Brazil during 2023/2024: The organization of events such as MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte, Debian Day, and others. We will show some numbers from Brazilian Localization Team and activities organized by us, as well as the plans for 2024/2025.

Brasília is the capital of Brazil, and Debian Brasília Community will also talk about the hardships creating a local Debian community, maintaining it and keeping track of what such a community has done in the previous year. Debian Brasília has grown from 2 persons to a bright and vibrant community of more than 15 regular contributors not counting other irregular participants. The question remains: what was accomplished since last year’s DebConf? What is being done to keep track of our accomplishments? What are the main projects we have started, and what are the projects we have improved? When will Brasília be ready to host a DebConf?