Holger Levsen

Holger Levsen has been a Debian user since almost 30 years and an official Debian member since 2007. In the years since 2001 he has been contributing to Debian in many areas, probably most notably with the DebConf (video) team, piuparts.debian.org and Reproducible Builds, which has become his main focus in 2014.

Accepted Talks:

Chameleon - the easy way to try out Sequoia - OpenPGP written in Rust

This short talk will explain to you how (when) to run:

  • apt install gpg-from-sq
  • apt install gpg-sq

and similar with s#gpg#gpgv#.

src:rust-sequoia-chameleon-gnupg is available in trixie and in this short talk I will explain how you can use it (almost) as a full drop-in replacement today.

Under the hood, the chameleon is sequoia and while you can use OpenPGP like you’ve done it “forever”, there’s more.

preserving *other* build artifacts

Currently when building (official) Debian packages, there are 3 kinds of build artifacts, in this workshop we’ll be going to brainstorm and design a 4th type, which maybe needs a better wiki page name than https://wiki.debian.org/BuildArtifacts so let’s explain the 3 current types first:

  1. .deb files, the main results of every (successful) package build
  2. build logs, there’s one per package build per arch
  3. autopackage test logs and results, these have nothing to do with the actual build really.

The 4th type of build artifacts are used eg by src:binutils and src:gccX packages and today are stored in .debs making the builds of these important core packages unreproducible, shiver.

Please read https://wiki.debian.org/BuildArtifacts to learn more about this issue and possible ways out. And then please join this workshop if this topic interests you!

Reproducible Builds: The First Eleven Years

In this talk Holger “h01ger” Levsen will give an overview about Reproducible Builds: How it started with a small BoF at DebConf13 (and before), then grew from being a Debian effort to something many projects work on together, until in 2021 it was mentioned in an executive order of the president of the United States. And of course, the talk will not end there, but rather outline where we are today and where we still need to be going, until Debian stable (and other distros!) will be 100% reproducible, verified by many.

h01ger has been involved in reproducible builds since 2014 and so far has set up automated reproducibility testing for Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and coreboot.

Debian Policy & Developer's Reference BoF

Discussion about the current state of the Debian Policy Manual, the Debian Developer’s Reference, and related documents. Expected topics of discussion include:

  • where volunteer time is most needed
  • Q&A about the process by which Policy and dev-ref are modified
  • difficult bugs that are stuck and how we might unstick them
  • recruiting volunteers to translate Policy and dev-ref.

We might also discuss other pieces of Debian internal documentation, interconnections between these different documents, etc.