A Debian Developer since 2013, Nicolas Dandrimont is currently working as a senior backend engineer for the [Software Heritage Foundation](https://www.softwareheritage.org/), working towards building the universal archive for software source code.

In Debian, Nicolas is currently a [Debian Account Manager](https://www.debian.org/intro/organization#dam), a core member of the [DebConf video team](https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebConf/Video), a maintainer of the [piuparts software and infrastructure](https://piuparts.debian.org/), and was silly enough to decide to help organize DebConf 25 in Brest next summer.

Accepted Talks:

DebConf 25 BoF

We have the fine tradition of having DebConf N share their experiences with DebConf N+1. The DebConf committee will also be present and we invite a core member of every team to come around and help with the knowledge transfer.

The session will begin with a DebConf25 presentation.

New Members BoF

Debian Account Managers, New Member Front Desk members, Application Managers, Applicants and everyone interested can join in a discussion about how the New Member process works and how it can be made better

Closing Ceremony

We bid farewell to DebConf24 and look forward to DebConf25!

Video Team training - Session 1

Video Team training - Session 1.