Santiago Ruano Rincón

Santiago is a Debian Contributor since 2004. He takes care of some packages that you have probably installed in your debian machine. He also maintains Salsa CI - the CI framework built on top of Salsa, the Debian Gitlab Instance. Through Freexian, he is part of the Debian LTS Team, that provides security support for the Debian release up to 5 years after their initial release.

Accepted Talks:

Debian and new EU cybersecurity-related regulation

The EU is adopting new regulations that aim at increasing the security of products sold in the EU single market. Those regulations are the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) and updates to the Product Liability Directive (PLD). They impose new requirements for anyone placing Debian-based products in the market in the course of a commercial activity.

We think the best course of action is that impacted companies help Debian to be prepared to make it easier for the same companies –and any Debian downstream– to comply with the CRA requirements. This talk will present part of those requirements, and what would be needed in the Debian side to fulfil them.

Debian and new EU cybersecurity-related regulation BoF

This non-video recorded BoF aims at discussing aspects of the EU regulation presented during the talk.

Linux live patching in Debian

We filed ITP #1070494 in May 2024 about adding live patching support for linux in Debian. More that an ITP, our project is an Intend to Design, Implement and Maintain livepatching for the kernel.

In this talk, we will present our current plans, including the design of a first approach, and all the questions and concerns that come with this project. Questions include how to triage the security issues, how to maintain the patches, and how to match the kernel image Debian lifecycle. We aim at performing a live demo of a simple livepatch.

The work-in-progress prototyping can be found in the Salsa linux-livepatching repo.

This talk would be the opportunity to discuss live what would be the best way to support linux livepatching in Debian.
