* Gentoo developer, maintainer of Gentoo's LoongArch port
* Designated reviewer for Linux's LoongArch port
* Diverse contribution across the FLOSS scene for better LoongArch community support: binutils, gcc, llvm, qemu, etc.
* Creator of [the *AREWELOONGYET?* info site](https://areweloongyet.com)

Accepted Talks:

loong64 port BoF

This is a BoF session around the Debian loong64 port that intends to help people interested in the port to:

  • get familiar with each other,
  • keep each other updated with latest development in the port, and
  • form a roadmap for the port’s eventual inclusion in an official Debian release.

Both the unaffiliated community people and Loongson folks will be present. You may use Mandarin or English – several participants and I will be able to interpret if necessary.

The event likely will not be recorded; if you want to video-tape the session, ask the audience for permission first.